credence broadband
“Our broadband is rubbish!” … is a phrase we have heard a great deal from those living and working in north east Fife.
If recent years have taught us anything, it is that we all need better access to improved internet connectivity … all of the time.
Working or studying at home, accessing essential information not to mention streaming movies and downloading your favourite box sets. And when you add in the fact the several members of the same family want or need to be online at the same time? Well, we know how bad that can be.
We wanted to do something about it: and now we are.
Building on the success of a broadband network we launched the Highlands, we’re now offering Credence Broadband to help connect homes and businesses across North East Fife.
Full information on our services, packages, pricing options and the equipment used to connect your property is gives in our Frequently Asked Questions section on this site. Click here or use the FAQs link in the menu.
Below is our Sign-Up Form. Simply complete and submit it. The information shared is passed on to our engineers who will be in touch as soon as possible.
Sign UP now

Your Data
The information shared is added automatically to our GDPR-compliant database. We will then be able to keep you informed via email of our network development and service updates. We will also share updates through our partnership’s social channels.

Does it cover my address?
We can see thousands of properties from our base station. If we can see you, the chances are, we can connect you. We are adopting a staged process with three phases. The faster people sign-up and join our network, the shorter our phasing will be – but it is only right to make this clear from the outset.
The network is being built and delivered by Destination Digital Ltd.
Unlike other broadband networks in the area, ours is delivered wirelessly: no trenches in roads. No traffic delays. No digging up of pavements … and certainly no erecting of 19th century infrastructure using telegraph poles to string thick, black cables from point to point!
critical mass ...
The provision of improved broadband is very much demand-led.
Where we have critical mass – that is enough people (be they residents or business) saying they want to proceed – we can deliver.
The more who sign-up in any one area, the better. Our map (right) shows the notes of interest that helped us to launch.
If we can demonstrate the demand, we can deliver what residents, businesses and organisations really need.